Friday, November 11, 2011


Information is growing at an unprecedented rate.  Even more alarming is the speed which we can share and make information transparent.  There are so many sweeping changes occurring globally and we are increasingly connected.  With all this stirring in my mind I watched the dawn of the day and saw how it hits the mountain tops first.  It all became crystal clear in that moment.  The big mountains are those of us who wield high wealth and power.  As we’ve seen they are no longer able to hide from the light that has been cast on them thanks to our hyper connected world.  Suddenly I realized that eventually the dawn will inch down the slopes to us all.  Where are you in that picture?  One thing is for sure, at this rate everyone will have a light cast on them and there will be nowhere to hide.  The shadows will diminish and all will be revealed.  Are you ready for that?  Short of a total electronic and economic collapse sending us back to ice age status -  this light will continue coming.  Have you got your susty house in order?

Monday, November 7, 2011

Said And Done.....SAD?

All too often when it come to sustainability when all is said and done a lot more is said than done.  It is great news that so many organizations have “jumped on the band wagon” to publish annual sustainability reports.  It is a step in the right direction for sure but the real opportunities come the ability to report daily or even up to the minute.  Why?  Well, imagine that you could only get a bank statement once a year.  That gives you only one chance a year to make amendments and plan.  Clearly we’d all rather have up to the minute access to our financial information so why should environmental information be any different?  The concept of triple bottom line is not new – People, Planet, Profit.   We’ve figured out how to wield the power of prophet but the real advantage for any organization is leveraging the hidden power of people and planet.   For those organizations out there that report annually on sustainability  - why now lay hands on some hidden power?  Can you say that you have done as much as you said or will you remain sad....?