Tacoma-based Pacific Functional Fluids fined over $21k for failing to report. The EPA states that: “According to documents, the company failed to file inventory forms, as required by law, with state and local emergency response entities.” I don’t get how this could happen. Did they just forget? Maybe for them $21k is not a lot of money or maybe if they submitted the information it would hurt them more than $21K. Maybe the company just needs better reporting software. I wonder if they now have that on their radar or even know that they may have been able to save money and time through reporting and analytics soluiton. Good job there are so many options out there to help them. It would be so cool if along with fines they would have to install reporting software that with audit features. Hey – how about instead of a fine they just have to install software and provide transparency to the agencies that require it for a few years. Now - that is calling a corporation into environmental responsibility. Also, it would create jobs and stimulate the economy. Not to mention bring positive attention to the company and – well – may make them better at what they do thereby impressing their stakeholders and impacting their valuation. It seems everyone could win over a software play versus just a fine.
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