Thursday, June 9, 2011

Get out of Jail free card

I hear that visiting hours at minimum security prisons are fairly generous.    Sarcasm aside, the EPA actually publishes mug shots of environmental fugitives -   The harsh part is that in many cases people who end up on the wanted list or face fines and jail time are not actually the ones doing the actual crime – but they are held responsible for it.   There are a lot of reasons for putting a sustainability solution in place for a corporation  but it is worth pointing out the most extreme – Executives can wind up in jail for mishandling the environmental aspects of their company.  The get out of jail free card than every executive should have to is a environmental management system that monitors and alerts that risks are growing.  That system can be a group of people that are paying attention to that  - but -  we’ve all seen the “movie” and read the news on how that actually pans out when risk turns into a legal issue……  Again, sarcasm aside, the only trusted format is a software solution that has imbedded security so that information cannot be tampered with to cover up mistakes that can land executives in jail.   The cost of imprisonment far out weights the cost of a software solution to properly manage environmental aspects of an organization.  The charges leading to jail can be much more than just polluting.  They can include mistakes on shipment manifests,  failure to report contents of a facility to local authorities (under the right to know legislation) and even Travel act violations – the list goes on.  Protect yourself and the corporation with a sustainability solution – it’s your get out of jail free card.  

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